Vote for STAR!

Only STAR Party can protect and bring back the Truly concept of Independence and Sovereign Country!

Sarawak for Sarawakian!

The Spirit of Sarawak for Sarawakian is getting stronger everyday!

Is this Sabah and Sarawak fate?

Sabah and Sarawak were promised to have a Self-Government. But what happen after 50 years forming The Federation of Malaysia?

Sabah 50th Independence Day

Sabah or formerly known as North Borneo was granted an Independence by British on 31 August 1963

Sarawak 50th Independence Day

Sarawak was granted Independence by British on 22 July 1963

Sunday, 27 October 2013

I’m still with Star, dumping party for Cinta NOT TRUE! — Jeffrey

Due to circulating FAKE news regarding Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, I would like to re-post again the TRUTH regarding the matter.

Looks like, there are still a lot of Sarawakian and Sabahan who have been brainwashed by certain " online media" that still need revelation on the issue.

Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan (STAR Sabah chairman)

Posted on September 15, 2013, Sunday (Borneo Post online)

KOTA KINABALU: Bingkor assemblyman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan has denied claims that he was dumping State Reform Party (Star) for newly-registered Parti Cinta Sabah (PCS).

Stressing it as “purely rumors”, Jeffrey said he was shocked upon reading the news yesterday and wanted to clear the air that he is still very much a “Sabah Star person”.

“I think there was some confusion as I, with a few of my supporters who left Parti Keadilan Rakyat with me, have tried to register PCS long before the 13th general election. But it was not approved until recently. By then, I have already joined Star and has been with the party since then.

“I have spoken to those in PCS, but I am not sure whether or not they are still the same people who were with me when I first tried to register the party, or whether they still have the same feelings, but all I know now is that if they are willing to change PCS  to Star, then I am ever willing to be with them … so this is something for them to consider,” he said.

Jeffrey stressed that he has no control of PCS as he is now with Star.

“So, as far as I am concerned, there is no switching or dumping, it is not appropriate to make such claims, it is just speculations, there is no truth to it,” he said.

For now, Jeffrey would remain quiet until things are sorted out.

“I am going to Kuching to meet up with the Sarawak Star soon. For now, the party’s constitution does not allow us to be members, we have actually applied to the Registrar of Societies to change it to Malaysia but it has yet to be approved.

“In fact, the application was made before GE13. We have appealed, and if ROS rejects, then we will have to look at other options.

“Pending the decision, I will continue to promote Star. To me, the position is immaterial, because I believe I am a leader of perjuangan (struggle), not a leader of a political party,” he said.

On Saturday, Jeffrey was reported to leave Star for PCS, and would take the helm of the party after its application was approved by ROS earlier this month, and expected to make the transition to the new party by end of the year after consulting his Star counterparts in Sarawak.

PCS is currently led by Jeffrey’s close ally Dr Nicholas James Guntobon, who is the protem president.

The application to register PCS was made in late 2009 during a power struggle between Jeffrey and local Sabah PKR leaders that saw him eventually quitting PKR after the party sacked several of his key men for applying to form a new party.

Jeffrey was the only Star candidate to win a state seat in the GE13 this year.

Borneo Post online

Read more:

By, Rajah Raqafluz

"Lidah Rasmi" STAR in the making...WE ARE HERE!

With only 2 days after setting up the blog (STAR TODAY), we have already garnered 579 pageviews!

We are here in our struggle for the love of the nation, in Sarawak and Sabah.
We are here, our heart is here, let's show it to the world where we stand.
Let's show to the world, What are our views and perspectives on every issue related to us.
No more other people dictating and manipulating what we want or what we says.
Help us to improve. YOU are the voice.

STAR, Sarawak

By, Rajah Raqafluz

Blog: Chairman of STAR Sarawak, Dr. Patau Rubis (a better future)

Dr. Patau Rubis (STAR Sarawak Chairman)

By, Rajah Raqafluz

"Jangan Ajar Rakyat, Dengan Apa yang Rakyat Tidak TAHU"

Perkataan ini telah keluar dari mulut bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir kepada pemimpin negeri  (Negara) Sabah YB. Datuk Jeffrey G.Kitingan (DDJK) pada 26 tahun yang lalu semasa pemerintahan beliau.

Semasa sesi bersembang dan mendengar nasihat daripada DDJKdalam mesyuarat UVSB.

Saya merupakan seorang pelajar yang belajar di IPTA, sedikit sebanyak memahami dan menghayati semangat juang DDJK, dengan pemahaman dan penilaian yang saya lakukan secara terperinci saya mendapati perjuangan beliau adalah sangat penting kepada rakyat Negara Sabah. Pada masa yang sama saya sangat sedih apabila melihat perkataan-perkataan seperti merendahkan beliau, memulaukan beliau, menjatuhkan beliau, dan sebagainya yang mana seringkali kita lihat di media maya. Ini kerana bagi penilaian saya beliau merupakan Pejuang Negara Sabah yang harus kita hargai.

Menurut beliau, Negara Sabah boleh mendapatkan semula kuasa pemerintahannya dan kuasa terhadap ekonomi Negara Sabah dengan adanya perpaduan antara semua bangsa yang ada di Negara Sabah. Ini kerana, Negara Sabah adalah sebuah Negara yang dijajah dengan cara halus melalui teknik “Dasar Pecah dan Perintah (Divide and Rule)” Mengapa? Dengan cara inilah Negara Sabah senang untuk dijajah, tidak akan dapat bersatu dan sukar untuk mendapatkan kuasanya disebabkan tiada penyatuan suara daripada rakyat Negara Sabah untuk menuntut hak-hak Negara Sabah. Penyelasaian kepada masalah ini adalah melalui “Perpaduan”. Dengan adanya perpaduan ini maka kita akan menjadi Satu Suara yang Kuat untuk menuntut hak-hak Negara Sabah seperti hak keatas ekonomi dan kuasa pemerintahan sesuai dengan 20 Perkara Negara Sabah yang menjadi syarat kepada pembentukan Persekutaun Malaysia.

“Jangan Ajar Rakyat, Dengan Apa yang Rakyat Tidak TAHU” berbalik kepada perkataan ini, kita boleh memahami apakah maksud yang tersiratnya. DDJK sebenarnya mengetahui segala rancangan Tun Dr. Mahathir keatas Negara Sabah. Pelbagai ancaman dan ugutan Perdana Menteri pada ketika itu telah diberikan kepada DDJK sehinggakan beliau dimasukkan ke dalam Internal Security Act (ISA). Ini disebabkan beliau telah mengajar rakyat Negara Sabah tentang apa yang rakyat Negara Sabah tidak ketahui selama ini. Itu merupakan suatu tanggungjawab dan beban yang harus dilaksanakan serta dipikul sebagai seorang pemimpin kepada rakyat yang disayangi. Beliau telah mengajar rakyatnya tentang kesedaran akan hak-hak rakyat, sedarkan rakyat akan kepentingan rakayat Negara Sabah dan sejarah sebenar Negara Sabah. Ini telah membuatkan Malaya berasa terancam dari segi kepentingan politiknya terhadap Negara Sabah sehingga menutup mulut beliau dengan menyumbat beliau ke dalam tahanan ISA.

Pada hari tersebut, beliau sempat berpesan kepada kami selaku generasi muda sabah. “saya sangat berbangga dengan anda semua generasi muda Negara Sabah kerana sedar akan hak-hak sebagai rakyat Negara Sabah, janganlah kamu butakan mata dengan menjauhkan diri daripada politik, selitkan masa walau sedikit pun kepada politik semasa kamu menuntut pelajaran, kerana dulu saya tidak berkesempatan berbuat sedemikian seperti anda sekarang ini. Saya sebenarnya tidak meminati politik tetapi saya sedar, betapa kasihannya Bangsa dan Negara Sabah kerana seperti dipermainkan, diperbodohkan dan diputarbelitkan/dimanipulasikan oleh kuasa luar iaitu Malaya. Dengan itu saya berjuang kerana saya seorang yang SEDAR, seperti juga anda semua yang sudah sedar, teruskanlah perjuangan ini meski pun suatu hari nanti era politik akan berubah lagi kerana saya sebagai pemimpin sudah penat kerana usia semakin meningkat dan suatu hari nanti saya akan pergi, dan siapkah yang akan menjadi pengganti? Orang yang SEDAR itu adalah kamu, maka kamulah penggantinya” 

"Saya sebagai generasi muda Negara sabah sangat teruja dan terharu dengan apa yang beliau katakan, dan sebagai generasi muda sabah yang SEDAR ingin membawa semua generasi muda Negara Sabah dalam perjuangan ini."

PRESS STATEMENT “Budget 2014 A Huge Dis appointment FromSabah Perspective – Dr. Jeffrey ”

Giving of handouts is not the right approach and there is no need to fish for votes for election season is over.  Such handouts will only lead to bigger expectations and eventually greater dependency,  especially among the rural poor.    The government should have invested more money in boosting up the income earning capacity of the poor.

Why DUN Sarawak only 71 compare to Malaya 227...EXPOSE!

As you can see from the comparison mention above, the reason why a lot of development fund, money, project, etc. being "transfer" to Malaya instead of Sarawak because Malaya have 227 DUN compare to Sarawak, 71 DUN.

This is how politically motivated move to make it reasonable for Malaya to take more of the resources and funds which should be fairly distribute between 3 nation in Malaysia (Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya).

They done this by ensuring DUN in Sarawak as low as possible compare to Malaya.

Even Malta with only 452, 515 population have 69 Representatives as many as Sarawak Representatives with population more than 2.5 Million as to-date (Estimation).

Can you see the hidden "Game" here?

By, Rajah Raqafluz

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