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Only STAR Party can protect and bring back the Truly concept of Independence and Sovereign Country!

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The Spirit of Sarawak for Sarawakian is getting stronger everyday!

Is this Sabah and Sarawak fate?

Sabah and Sarawak were promised to have a Self-Government. But what happen after 50 years forming The Federation of Malaysia?

Sabah 50th Independence Day

Sabah or formerly known as North Borneo was granted an Independence by British on 31 August 1963

Sarawak 50th Independence Day

Sarawak was granted Independence by British on 22 July 1963

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

9 Cardinals of Sarawak 1941 Constitution

Speculation on Sarawak cession to British Colonial Office in 1946

The original flag of the Kingdom of Sarawak (1848-1946).

Flag of the Kingdom of Sarawak (1946-1973)

There are several theories why Sarawak became a crown colony after WWII. One was, someone saw a document which said Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke was put under house arrest. Another was, Vyner owed too much in estate taxes so the British said if Sarawak is ceded to Britain, the taxes would be waived. Another was, he was induced with a hefty pension. One or several may be the truth, whatever, none is verified as yet.

But it must be remembered that Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke did come up with 9 cardinal principles and Sarawak constitution in 1941, a constitution embodies the very fundamentals of a sovereign nation. The concept was for a devolution of power from rajah to the ppl of Sarawak.

The cession was against the wishes and the will of the people of Sarawak and against our 9 Cardinal Principles and Sarawak Constitution 1941. 16 votes to 19, the 19 were appointed British officers.

By, Rajah Raqafluz


In a letter to the Sunday Times, the Rajah of Sarawak replies to the historian Arthur Bryant (Straits Time, Mar.12) and declares the agitation against the cession has a wholly undeserved romantic appeal which blinds many to realities.

"In all criticisms in Press and Parliament," he says. "I looked vainly for a single constructive suggestion which would contribute towards a happier future for the natives. All that is urged is a return to the good old days which were good only for British residents and not for the native"

The Rajah then elaborates the argument by revealing what he calls "stark truth" about Sarawak of the past when he says that his father's policy was to support the virile Sea Dayak types against all other tribes, which led to indiscriminate slaughter.

There were also no free Press, no opportunity for the natives to ventilate their numerous grievances, and no adequate educational and medical facilities. State revenues were derived from opium, gambling, pawn and spirit farms, mineral wealth and State-monopolized rubber small holdings established by extinguishing thousands of acres of rice lands, and as a result poverty was rife whenever the rubber price fell.

The Sunday Times comments that the mission of Capt. L.D. Gammans, and Lieut. Col. D.R. Rees Williams will constitute a new stage in the Sarawak controversy, the mission being, no doubt, an attempt to pacify Parliamentary opinion now deeply disturbed by the revelations of the official handling of the Sarawak and Malayan problems.

But it will be hard to believe that the issues will be put fairly to the Sarawak Council until the Tuan Muda, Mr. Bertram Willes Brooke, or any other member of the ruling house, who does not support the Rajah's intention to bring the State under Colonial Office rule, is given an opportunity to go to Kuching for stating his case.

The Sunday Times adds that the Tuan Muda has received a telegram from the hereditary Malay chief of Sarawak proper, Dato Patinggi, pleading that he or his son, the Rajah Muda, Mr. Anthony Brooke, should come out with the Rajah on Mar.28

By, Rajah Raqafluz

Merdeka Plaza, Sarawak - Commemorates Sarawak Golden Jubilee

Syabas Merdeka Plaza, good way to educate people of Sarawak about our true history of Sarawak and Federation of Malaysia.

22nd July 1963 . 
Sarawak granted independence. We are celebrating our Golden Jubilee this year.

31st August 1957
The Federation States of Malaya compromised of the 9 Sultanete, Malacca and Penang were given their independence

16th September 1963. 
-Sarawak, North Borneo (now Sabah), Singapore & Malaya merged to form the Federation of Malaysia.

By, Rajah Raqafluz

Somewhere around the world...

Monumen persidangan pertama Parlimen Negara Sarawak (1867) - HRH RAJAH CHARLES BROOKE


Monumen memperingati persidangan pertama Parlimen Negara Sarawak juga lebih dikenali sebagai Council Negri. Persidangan pertama telah dilangsungkan pada 8 September 1867 oleh HRH Rajah Charles.

Negara Sarawak merdeka dan berdaulat telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1841 di mana Rajah James Brooke menjadi Rajah Negara Sarawak yang pertama. 

Bintulu was the birthplace of Sarawak Council Negri in 1867, a wooden house, very humble beginnings. Sarawak established probably the first in the region a law-making assembly. Comprising British officers and local native leaders, nevertheless no one dared to object to the Rajah's wishes!

By, Rajah Raqafluz
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