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Is this Sabah and Sarawak fate?
Sabah and Sarawak were promised to have a Self-Government. But what happen after 50 years forming The Federation of Malaysia?
Sabah 50th Independence Day
Sabah or formerly known as North Borneo was granted an Independence by British on 31 August 1963
Sarawak 50th Independence Day
Sarawak was granted Independence by British on 22 July 1963
Monday, 28 October 2013
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan: Postpone GST for Sabah, Sarawak
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Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan (STAR Sabah Chairman) |
By, Rajah Raqafluz
This article is reposted from "Pengayau's" web page with our humble thanks.
The Malayan government history of the Sarawak Malayan relationship has always been glossed over but it was at one stage near to totally break down when the Sarawak Government under C.M. Stephen Ningkan resisted "Malayanisation".
One of the so-called safeguards and agreement on the formation of Sarawak which involved conservative Sarawakians leaders at the final stages, was "Borneonisation". This was the agreement that Sarawakians were to take over the Sarawak civil service and all the positions.
Prof. Michael Leigh (pronounced "Lee") said in his book the "Rising Moon" that Malaya's objective was to centralize its rule which conflicted immediately with the federation ideas.
After the fond fare welling of the British colonial masters, the honeymoon between the new colonial master and the new subject ended quickly.
The Malayan government fell to the serious business of re-writing all the agreements with its attempts to centralize Malayan rule and inevitable tension and resistance from the "new states".
The first casualty was Singapore separation which effectively tore up the Malaysia Agreement.
The "Sarawak Crisis" erupted at around the same time.
This article gives some details of the 1965-1966 Malayan hatched "constitutional crisis" to oust Ningkan following the breakup with Singapore and the process of neutralizing and absorbing the opposition like the SUPP led by moderate leaders after the British had suppressed the left wing section of the party.
Vernon Porrit's article contained a few factual errors.
For example some of the dates are not accurate such as Sarawak independence should be from 1841-1941 not 1946 when it was ceded to Britain.
It was under Japanese occupation from 24 Dec. 1941 to Aug. 1945. He also confused the names and identity of some people he mentioned.
"Expatriate" influence continued till 1968 and even later in the defense area. Tim Hardy was still head of Special Branch till 1968. So the Britain was still directing the "show" to some extent especially in securing Sarawak and Sabah "safe" for Malayan rule.
This proved that despite their claims, Malaya was not capable of defending either country in "Malaysia" its first 10 years without British armed might. It was virtually financially broke until Sabah Sarawak oil dollars started to flow to Kuala Lumpur bank accounts.
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C.M. Stephen Ningkan was a part Iban-Chinese (Hakka). |
By, Rajah Raqafluz
LATEST: Group of Sarawakian wants to sue British government over Sarawak sovereignty - LINA SOO
To: Lina Soo
I received these two (email) in my mail today and thought it was my divine duty to spread the words around. Please read and understand the contents.
Subject: Re: Court action/ donation to legal costs
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:13:50 -0400
Hi friends,
1. First step is to go for judgement most like, International Court of Justice (ICJ) as British courts may be bias, to declare Malaysia illegally formed. Therefore Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is not binding.
2. Also declaration that Sarawak and Sabah retain independence as of 22 July and 31 August 1963.
3. Get UN recognition of legal position- If UN tells Malaya to get out - it has no ground to remain- it will be seen as "Occupation".
4. Malaya withdraws - no issue of referendum unless some people are still conned and want to stay.
5. Check East Timor Case. Indonesia had to accept East Timor referendum results for independence. Also Eritrea and S. Sudan- all former colonial governments had to accept the "Yes" to independence vote and withdraw from these countries.
6. Before we can get off the ground- need to seek QC Opinion and that will cause a fortune.
So if any of you feel stronger that Sarawak and Sabah should no longer be part of Malaysia- needed to contribute to the effort. If you are unable to write or support in other ways, donate some money - for your country.
We won't need to go into "patriotism" and all that. If you want your future generation to have a future.. This is the best course of action.
It is not much... A couple of hundred or thousands of some of us. HZ said he will donate $30K rm. Another pensioner said he will donate 1/2 his monthly pension.
They probably waited 50 years for this. Not to mention in the 1960s many people in our age group actually took up arms to fight Malaysia.
We were misled into believing formation of Malaysia was free and voluntary, please read these two docs are part of the evidence of the colonial plan from the declassified colonial documents.
From Admin: This is extract from Mangan's posting today, minus the second part.
For readers' comments pleasa.
Thank you.
Group wants to sue British government over Sarawak sovereignty
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Lina Soo is a candidate for State Reform Party (STAR) for P196 Stampin, Sarawak in GE-13 Author of the popular book, SARAWAK: The Real Deal. |
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SARAWAK: The Real Deal. |
To order, bank-in at Maybank account no. 511252003021 (Lina Soo), pm or sms (013-816429) payment details with address (no post box pleases)
By, Rajah Raqafluz
Melayu Raya? - LINA SOO
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Melayu Raya? |
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Lina Soo is a candidate for State Reform Party (STAR) for P196 Stampin, Sarawak in GE-13 |
By, Rajah Raqafluz
Hardly three years after the World Bank used Malaysian government figures to underline in Kota Kinabalu in Dec 2010 that Sabah and Sarawak were the poorest states in Malaysia, “I am Malay First” Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin turned up in the Sabah capital on Mon 30 Sept and declared that “Malaysia has been a blessing – in disguise? -- to the Bumiputera”. No mention of the so-called non-Bumiputera.
The last time that anyone checked the figures, these two nations in Borneo were still the poorest in Malaysia. If something is a “blessing” in disguise, then one is merely indulging in wishful thinking to console oneself on a negative situation and living on hope.
By, Rajah Raqafluz
Bajet 2014: Manifesto rumah MAMPUS milik BN - HENDRY MINAR
Interest rate untuk pinjaman 25 tahun ialah 5.99% .
Kalau pinjam ▶ byr bulanan
RM400K ▶ RM2575
RM350K ▶ RM2253
RM300K ▶ RM1931
RM250K ▶ RM1609
RM200K ▶ RM1287
RM150K ▶ RM966
RM100K ▶ RM644
Gaji minima RM900!!!! (Malaya)
Gaji minima RM800!!!! (Sarawak/Sabah)
Boleh fikir bagaimana yang gaji RM3500 sebulan nak beli rumah tak? Anak..isteri..kereta..rumah..h
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Hendry Minar is a candidate for State Reform Party (STAR) for DUN Keranaan, Ranau, Sabah in GE-13 |